Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences GSN-LMU

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Congratulations to Efsun Annaҫ, Siyi Chen, Helena Ederle, and Mehrdad Salmasi!


The GSN is happy to announce the successful defenses of:

Efsun Annaҫ, who presented the thesis titled Bi-directional relationship between attention and long-term
context memory, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Geyer.

Siyi Chen, who presented the thesis titled Object completion effects in attention and memory, Supervisor: PD Dr. Markus Conci.

Helena Ederle, who presented the thesis titled Identification of the nuclear export pathways of TDP-43 and
FUS, Supervisor: Dr. Dorothee Dormann.

Mehrdad Salmasi, who presented the thesis titled Information efficacy of a dynamic synapse, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Glasauer.

Great work!

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