Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences GSN-LMU

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Master/PhD Position avaliable in Developmental Neuroscience

Development and function of muscle spindles - Prof. Dr. Stephan Kröger, LMU Biomedical Center


phd muscle spindles kroeger

The Kröger Lab are seeking a highly motivated Master/PhD student to join their team working on the development and function of muscle spindles in wildtype and mutant mice.

The project will be a continuation of previous studies (Zhang et al., 2014 Formation of cholinergic synapse-like specializations at developing murine muscle spindles. Developmental Biology 393: 227-235; Zhang et al., 2015 Differential Regulation of AChR Clustering in the Polar and Equatorial Region of Murine Muscle Spindles. European Journal of Neuroscience, 41: 69-78; Kröger, 2018 Proprioception 2.0: novel functions for muscle spindles. Current Opinion in Neurology, 31: 592-598) and will involve confocal microscopy, electrophysiology, transgenic mouse strains, molecular biology and pharmacology.

Interested candidates should contact Prof. Dr. Stephan Kröger

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