Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences GSN-LMU

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PhD position Kröger group

working on the development and function of muscle spindles in wildtype and mutant mice


The Kröger research group are seeking a PhD student to join the team working on the development and function of muscle spindles in wildtype and mutant mice. The project will be a continuation of previous studies (Zhang et al., 2014a Formation of cholinergic synapse-like specializations at developing murine muscle spindles. Developmental Biology 393: 227-235; Zhang et al., 2014b Differential Regulation of AChR Clustering in the Polar and Equatorial Region of Murine Muscle Spindles. European Journal of Neuroscience, in press) and will involve confocal microscopy, transgenic mouse strains, electrophysiology and cell culture.

Interested candidates should contact:
Prof. Dr. Stephan Kröger
LMU - Physiological Institute
Pettenkoferstrasse 12
D - 80336 München
phone: +49 (0)89-2180 75526

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