Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences GSN-LMU

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Junior professorship (W1) in computational neuroscience

University of Bonn, Institute of Zoology


Application deadline: 30.04.2014
[printable version]

The Institute of Zoology at the University of Bonn, Germany, invites applications for a tenure track position

Juniorprofessorship (W1) in Computational Neuroscience

to be filled from October 2014. The Institute of Zoology is embedded in an attractive scientific environment for neuroscience research and teaching at the University of Bonn and surrounding institutions. The applicant's research should comprise the study of natural neural circuits using modern computational models. The experimental analysis, which can be done in collaboration with the existing groups at our institute, shall aim at establishing computational models of neuronal mechanisms, preferably in non-mammalian (vertebrate or invertebrate) systems. Possible topics include the processing of sensory information, the sensory-motor interface, and animal cognition. Collaboration with the centre of Bionics at the University of Bonn is very desirable.

Teaching (4 SWS) will include participation in the Bachelor, Master- and PhD curricula of the Fachgruppe Biologie as well as cooperating curricula of other faculties. Besides teaching in the fields of computational neuroscience we expect participation in the teaching of basic zoology courses.

Conditions for employment are a PhD in biology and additional merits in computational neuroscience. The initial contract runs for three years with the possibility of renewal for another three years after positive evaluation. The university offers a tenure track.

The University of Bonn is an equal opportunities employer. Preference will be given to suitably qualified women or persons with disabilities, all other considerations being equal.

Applicants are expected to send a CV including teaching experience, research interests and a list of publications no later than April 30th, 2014 to the chair of the search committee, Prof. Dr. Witke, Faculty of the Natural Sciences, Bonn University, Endenicher Allee 11-13, D-53115 Bonn (E-mail:, Tel.: ++49-228-73-3554). The following documents are requested: curriculum vitae, publication list, statements of experience and perspective in research and teaching, documentation of successful third-party funding, names and addresses for three references (Applications will not be returned after the end of the selection process).


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