W3 -Professorship in Molecular Parasitology
Humboldt-Unlversität zu Berlin, lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Biologie
Application deadline: 23.05.2014
The lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät of the Humboldt-Unlversität zu Berlin announces the position of a
W3 -Professorship in Molecular Parasitology beginning in october, 1st 2015
Candidates should have a proven track record in the field of molecular parasltology and have demonstrated international visibility both by excellent publicatlons as weil as by independent fund raising activities. The focus of this experimentally oriented professorship should be on eukaryotic parasites of animals. Expertise is expected in either immunological and cell bioiogical aspects of host-pathogen interactions on the molecular Ievei and/or in the areas of differentiation, evolution and ecology of parasites as weil as a proven track record of relevant scientific work in the above mentioned topics. Cooperation with local research units and integration into existing research consortia is expected. The candldate will represent the field of molecular parasitology in existing bachelor- und masters programs and will teach courses in zoology for bachelor students. Undergraduate teaching is expected in German within three years of arrival.
They must meet the legal requirements for appointments of professors in accordance wlth § 100 of the "Berliner Hochschulgesetz".
HU seeks to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching, and specifically encourage qualified female researchers to apply. Applications of researchers from abroad are welcome. Preference will be given to disabled persons with equal qualifications. Applicants with migration background are highly welcome.
Piease submit your application, reprints of 5 key publications and a statement (max. 3 pages) on current and future research interests stating the reference number PR/008/14 within the next 6 weeks to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Dekan der Lebenswissenschaftlichen Fakultät, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin. To accelerate the process, please submit your application also in electronic form at https://www2.physik.hu-berlin .de/ssl/molparasitologie/. Submitted application materials will not be returned.
Please visit our webslte www.hu-berlin.de/stellenangebote, which gives you access to the legally binding German version.