"Careers In and Beyond Science Series: Being a mom/dad in (neuro)science"
GSN would like to announce the first part of a new series of workshops and talks, dealing with career and career planning issues in and outside science
What are the challenges of combining a career (in science) with parenthood? How can children fit into an already busy work schedule? Can a busy work schedule be worked around the needs of children? Many aspects of family and career life can be planned - and many can not. In a moderated panel discussion, experienced mothers and fathers at various stages in their scientific careers - from PhD student to Professor - have talked about how they combine it all and about some of the myths and realities of the term "work-life balance" in family and career context. The panel discussion was followed by gender-separated round-table discussions and a joint lunch.
09:30-09:45 Introduction by Lena Bittl
09:45-11:00 Moderated Panel Discussion: Family planning/ parental leave/ going back to work after parental leave/ including children in your work life/ financial issues due to parental leave/working half time:
Prof. Laura Busse, Prof. Stefan Glasauer, Dr. Florence Bareyre, GSN PhD Alumni Kathrin Nehrkorn and GSN PhD Student Christopher Roppelt
11:00-12:00 Round-Table Discussions in groups (separated by gender)
12:00-13:00 Joint Lunch