Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences GSN-LMU

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Job opening: Independent junior group

Jointly funded by Roche and LMU to explore novel concepts in modern neuroscience research


The Munich Center for Neurosciences (MCN-LMU) of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) offers an independent junior group (head position and flexible budget) jointly funded by Roche and LMU to explore novel concepts in modern neuroscience research with a main focus on, e.g., neural development, neurodegeneration, neuroregeneration, neuroinflammation, or related research fields.

The group leader position will be 5 years fixed-term. The group will be provided with funds comparable to a DFG Emmy Noether group for 3 years. Funds can be extended for up to 2 years upon positive evaluation. The successful candidate is expected to find a host institute within the Munich area (not necessarily at the LMU). The group will benefit from close links to Roche.

Munich offers a wide range of institutions at the LMU, the Technical University Munich (TUM), the Max Planck Institutes for Neurobiology and Psychiatry, the Helmholtz Center Munich and several research consortia related to the neurosciences including the Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN-LMU), the Excellence Cluster Systems Neurology (SyNergy), the Collaborative Research Center Assembly and Function of Neuronal Circuits (CRC870), and the Bernstein Center for Computational Neurosciences Munich (BCCN).


Applicants should hold a doctorate in natural or medical sciences, preferentially in the area of neuroscience, demonstrate 2 to 4 years of subsequent international research experience and an excellent publication record.

The LMU provides support to junior researchers by numerous measures. As an equal opportunity employer applications of female candidates are highly important to us. Disabled candidates with essentially equal qualifications will be given preference. Further information concerning the LMU’s equal opportunity policy can be obtained from PD Dr. Conny Kopp-Scheinpflug ( Requests concerning the Munich neuroscience landscape can be directed at the Munich Center for Neurosciences.

Address for applications:

Please submit your application electronically to, as a single PDF file comprising a scientific CV including a list of publications, obtained research grants and/or stipends, contact details of 3 researchers willing to provide references on demand, as well as a brief summary of present and future research interests no later than April 30, 2016. In a separate PDF file, please provide copies of relevant documents and five selected reprints.


Prof. Dr. Oliver Behrend, Managing Director
Munich Center for Neurosciences - Brain and Mind (MCN-LMU)
Grosshaderner Str. 2
82152 Martinsried
Phone: +49-(0)89-2180-74303
Fax: +49-(0)89-2180-74304

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