PhD/MSc positions
Mechanisms of axon-glial interactions in vivo - Institute of Neuronal Cell Biology at the Technical University of Munich
PhD / MSc positions – Mechanisms of axon-glial interactions in vivo
The Czopka research group is interested in the communication between cells that constitute the central nervous system (CNS). They focus on the interaction between axons and surrounding glia (oligodendrocytes), which critically provide structural, functional, and metabolic support to axons. Damage to myelin has devastating neurological consequences, evident in diseases like Multiple Sclerosis. Transgenic zebrafish are used as a model organism to obtain insights into principles of axonglial communication. Young zebrafish represent a preeminent model for noninvasive in vivo imaging due their optical clarity and genetic tractability, which enables investigation of cell dynamics at unprecedented resolution.
PhD and MSc candidates will have the opportunity to further shape this exciting area of research. Open projects are focussed but not limited to the subcellular and molecular control of process dynamics in axons and oligodendrocytes during development and after focal damage to myelin. Applied methods include in vivo optical imaging along with genetic manipulations.
Applicants should have a scientific background in molecular/developmental neuroscience, experience with some of the applied methods are preferred.
Candidates with the motivation to drive aspects of this research forward are invited to apply by sending a stating why they are interested in joining the research group along with CV and letter(s) of support.
Dr. Tim Czopka
Institute of Neuronal Cell Biology
Technical University of Munich
Biedersteiner Straße 29
80802 Munich, Germany
Tel.: +49 89 41403377