Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences GSN-LMU

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Tissue clearing workshop in Munich, July 18-22, 2016

Two sessions in English, with a maximum of 15 participants per session organized by the Ertürk lab


Sessions: 18-20 July and 20-22 July, 2016

The workshop organized by the Ertürk Lab demonstrates:

• Clearing of entire rodent organs and large human tissues
• Imaging of cleared tissues with light-sheet microscope
• Advantages of DISCO clearing compared to others including CLARITY
• How to optimize your particular tissue of interest and application
• iDISCO antibody labeling of unsectioned organs for 3D imaging
• 3D analysis of the data
• Demo: light-sheet microscopy by Lavision BioTec and Zeiss
• Demo: 3D software by FEI (Amira), Bitplane (Imaris) and MBF (Neurolucida)

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