Open PhD-Position in neuroimaging of pediatric mild traumatic brain injury available
A PhD position is available to work on pediatric mild traumatic brain injury at cBRAIN (PI: Inga Koerte), Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany.
We are looking for a PhD student to join our multidisciplinary research projects on pediatric mild traumatic brain injury. Our projects are funded through ERA-NET neuron and the European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant). We are conducting a longitudinal cohort study on children and adolescents with mild traumatic brain injury (age 3-18 years) and assess brain structure and function using MR imaging (T1-, T2-weighted, ASL, SWI, dMRI and MR spectroscopy), neuropsychological testing, and blood biomarkers. The successful candidate will be involved in participant recruitment, testing coordination and data acquisition, as well as analyzing cognitive, behavioral and neuroimaging data. Our research is at the interface of neuroimaging, pediatric neurology, child psychiatry, and computational neuroscience.
Job Description & Requirements
The position is a PhD position (German TV-L E13) available for the duration of three years. Starting date is November 1st, 2020 or later. We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with a background in either medicine, psychology, neuroscience or related fields. Fluency in both German (for testing and data acquisition) and English (common language in the research group) is required.
In the assessment of the candidates, the following qualifications will be emphasized:
• Engaging and open personality which is particularly important in the contact with our study participants and their parents
• High success at master level/medical school
• Excellent communication skills and high degree of flexibility
• Recommendations/references
• Prior experience in working with an international and multidisciplinary team cBRAIN
cBRAIN is a multidisciplinary research team composed of individuals with different backgrounds and expertise who have one thing in common: curiosity and passion for brain research. (
How to apply
To apply for this position, email a letter of motivation along with your CV and two letters of recommendation to Deadline is November 15th, 2020.