Open 3-year Post-Doc Position available
A Post-Doc position in machine learning is available at DSGZ & Institute for Neuroradiology
Post-Doc position in deep learning for videooculography at the German Center for Vertigo & Balance Disorders
We are delighted to announce a Post-Doc position in in the group of Prof. Peter zu Eulenburg at the German Center for Vertigo & Balance Disorders & the Institute for Neuroradiology at the University Hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. The main research focus of the applicant will be to develop and deploy a comprehensive deep-learning-based analytical tool for the three-dimensional analysis of eye movements and pupillometry (DeepVOG-3D). The applicant will predominantly work on videooculography and clinical data.
Applicants looking for a PhD-position that already have a significant background and track record in computer vision and deep learning techniques are also welcome to apply.
What we offer:
- A fully funded 3-year Post-Doc position (E13 TV-L 100%) in an interdisciplinary and international research environment with a starting date of 1st February 2022
- Supervision and mentoring with respect to scientific development
- Academic and industrial collaborations in Germany and Belgium as part of the project
- Training opportunities within the Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences at the LMU
- PhD or Master´s degree (or equivalent) in computer science, medical informatics or comparable, with a provable track record in data science and machine/deep learning (theses, publications, open-source repositories, tutorials, blog posts etc.)
- Required: Experience in python, incl. frameworks for data science (e.g. numpy, pandas), deep learning (PyTorch), computer vision (e.g. OpenCV, Torchvision) and medical imaging (e.g. MONAI). Prior experience with libraries for (real-time) processing of video data is a plus (e.g. ffmpeg, DeepStream).
- Beneficial: Experience with development, documentation, and dissemination of open-source software (e.g. git/github, github-pages/readthedocs, PyPI), and containerization/deployment via docker
Strong writing, science communication and organizational skills
To apply:
Please send your CV, names of two potential referees, a single page letter of motivation and, if applicable, representative publications to Peter zu Eulenburg ( Please mention “DeepVOG-3D” in the subject line of your email.