Women in Social Neuroscience e-conference
An initiative of MSC-LMU member Merle Fairhurst (TU Dresden) and Ilanit Gordon (Bar-Ilan University)
On behalf of the organizers:
"As we celebrate international women's day, we are pleased and proud to announce our upcoming event "Women in Social Neuroscience e-conference" which will take place virtually on 23rd March 2023 (for full details, please see https://tu-dresden.de/ing/elektrotechnik/ias/aha/socialbridges#intro). The event has as its aim to provide a useful and inspiring resource to early career researchers hoping to propel their career forward while also promoting discussion within the field of where women in social neuroscience need and could use more support.
The event will consist of four soap box talks by senior researchers, fish bowl sessions in which Early Career Researchers get to ask questions and receive feedback from senior researchers in their field and a pioneers round table Q&A with Prof. Uta Frith and Prof. Simone Shamay-Tsoory.
Do you want the chance to give a 5-minute talk to a panel of senior female researchers in the field and get tailored feedback for your next grant application, job talk or simply to get some good practice in for your next presentation? If so, we hope you will consider submitting a 5-min video poster to be considered for our "Fish Bowl" sessions. A total of 16 ECRs will be selected to present live followed by 10-minute Q&A. All other submissions will be included in our online poster room. If so, please remember to include your full name, title, abstract, and institution. Submissions should be sent to pioneers.neuro@gmail.com.
Alternatively, if you just want to sit in and listen, you can simply join our live stream to hear from leaders in the field and pioneering women who might give you insight into how to succeed in the field of Social Neuroscience. We would be delighted to have you participate.
We would also ask that if you know of other ECRs who you feel might be interested in joining us or submitting something, please spread the word!
Additionally, we would like to invite you to participate in a survey and detail your experiences and challenges. The results of the survey may be written up as an article for a dedicated Special Issue in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. We expect this opinion article will be a useful resource for other women to be aware that they are not alone in the questions and doubts that may be preoccupying them, and to find answers to some of these questions. We also hope to draw on the contributions to this survey to publish a policy paper to implement change both in the local and greater scale. The questions will also be discussed at the panel led by Prof. Uta Frith and Prof. Simone Shamay-Tsoory at our e-conference.
Here is the link to the survey: https://forms.gle/rZi812oF7BFUhwkg8
Please note that all contributions will remain anonymous and be handled as such.
Thank you in advance for your time and with best wishes,
Merle Fairhurst
Ilanit Gordon
Yasemin Abra
Adi Kirosky"