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GraduateCenter Speed Slam call

Sum up your research on June 5, 2024


The GraduateCenterLMU invites doctoral researchers from all LMU departments to sum up their research in an extra fast science slam on June 5, 2024. The GC Speed Slam challenges you to get to the heart of your doctoral research – and offers you the unique chance to reach out to an audience beyond your research community. Present your doctoral research in just 180 seconds and one single PowerPoint slide. Do not forget to make it as catchy as possible. Should you be one of two lucky winners of our competition, you will be sent to participate in an international competition at the University of Porto in September 2024, one of LMU's EUGLOH partners.

Please briefly outline your doctoral research and what you would like to present at the CG Speed Slam. Let us also know which faculty you belong to. Send these 3 to 5 sentences to by May 17, 2024.

If you'd like to sharpen your presenter's skills, register for the GraduateCenterLMU Workshop "Giving Academic Talks" on April 18 and 19, 2024.

What are you waiting for?

What? Extra Fast Science Slam
Who? Doctoral researchers from all departments of LMU
When? June 5, 2024, 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Where? Professor-Huber-Platz 2, Raum W 201
Deadline? May 17, 2024

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