Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences GSN-LMU

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Munich Brain Day 2024

Close to 400 participants met on Campus Martinsried on April 30th to hear and speak about the most recent research in neuroscience


The one-day event brought the Munich neuroscience community together, fostering the exchange of ideas and catalyzing innovative interdisciplinary research. The format aimed to raise the profile of early career scientists, with a particular emphasis on increasing diversity.

In addition to 20-minute short talks, students and postdocs were able to present their work in a datablitz and poster session. Lucrative prizes went to the best posters.

The day was rounded out by a plenary lecture by Paola Arlotta (Harvard), who was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN-LMU) as part of the event. The lecture was hosted by Prof. Benedikt Grothe, Founder and Director of MCN-LMU and GSN-LMU, and the laudatio held by Prof. Magdalena Götz. Munich Brain Day concluded with a social event.

mbd poster 2024

The Organizing Committee thanks all participants and volunteers and hopes to see everyone next year!

  • David Keays
  • Silvia Cappello
  • Oliver Behrend
  • Daniela Vallentin
  • Lisa Fenk
  • Ruben Portugues

Find more info at

Impressions from the Munich Brain Day 2023 can be found here.


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