Unique opportunity to meet the Director at the MPI for Brain Research, Frankfurt - a two-day program for the PhD students of LMU, TUM, and the MPIs
Cross-disciplinary discovery workshop for graduate students in the life sciences, social sciences & humanities, philosophy, physics, medicine and beyond, 4-7 November, Mittelwihr, Alsace
GSN Faculty member Prof. Dirk Trauner involved in developing a light-sensitive switch that regulates a protein implicated in the neurobiology of synaptic plasticity
New study done by a team of researchers led by GSN Speaker Professor Benedikt Grothe, in collaboration with colleagues based at University College London
In vivo optogenetics & electrophysiology for sleep and memory research, in the “Cognition & Neuronal Plasticity” laboratory (Prof. Dr. Anton Sirota)
The graduate programs of the Life Science Campus Großhadern/Martinsried are jointly hosting an event on cutting-edge technologies in life science at the Biocenter
From May 4th - 8th highly qualified candidates were invited to interview with GSN faculty members, tour labs, and get to know a little bit of Munich
Wissenschaftler der Hebräischen Universität Jerusalem und Nobelpreisträger Prof. em. Dr. Bert Sakmann vom MPI für Neurobiologie, Martinsried laden zur Diskusion ein
Publication by GSN PhD Student Josephine Henke, faculty members Prof. Dr. Christian Leibold, PD Dr. Thomas Wachtler, and MCN member Dr. Kay Thurley