Head of Research Group, Div. Neurobiology
Großhadernerstr. 2
82152 Planegg-Martinsried
+49 (0) 89 218074305
+49 (0) 89 218074304
Further Information
Research focus: Neural circuits of context-dependent visual processing
Current GSN Students: Simon Renner, Gregory Born, Yannik Bauer, Shreya Khanal, Magdalena Kautzky, Felix Schneider
Selected publications:
Saleem AB; Lien AD; Krumin M; Haider B; Roman Roson M; Ayaz A; Reinhold K; Busse L; Carandini M; Harris KD (2017) Subcortical Source and Modulation of the Narrowband Gamma Oscillation in Mouse Visual Cortex
Neuron 93: 315-322.
Khastkhodaei, Z., Jurjut, O., Katzner, S., and Busse, L. (2016). Mice can use second-order, contrast-modulated stimuli to guide visual perception. J Neurosci, 36(16):4457–69.
Erisken, S., Vaiceliunaite, A., Jurjut, O., Fiorini, M., Katzner, S., and Busse, L. (2014). Effects of locomotion extend throughout the mouse early visual system. Current Biology, 24(24):2899– 2907.
Busse, L., Ayaz, A., Dhruv, N. T., Katzner, S., Saleem, A. B., Sch ̈olvinck, M. L., Zaharia, A. D., and Carandini, M. (2011). The detection of visual contrast in the behaving mouse. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31(31):11351–11361.
Busse, L., Wade, A. R., and Carandini, M. (2009). Representation of concurrent stimuli by population activity in visual cortex. Neuron, 64(6):931–942.