Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences GSN-LMU

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GSN Scientific Board

The Scientific Board is the governing board (Joint Comission and Doctoral Comission) of the GSN and includes 16 members. Among these are 9 professors from the participating LMU faculties (Biology, Medicine, Psychology, Philosophy) plus representatives for the scientific staff and collaborating  institutions (currently MPI, Helmholtz and TUM), as well as women and student body representatives.

Members are appointed by the LMU university council based upon suggestions made by the board of the Munich Center for Neurosciences - Brain & Mind. Student representatives are elected by the student body.

GSN Speaker: Prof. Dr. Benedikt Grothe (LMU Fac. Biology)

Laura Busse

Prof. Dr. Laura Busse

Regular member MCN, GSN core faculty

Affiliation: LMU Div. Neurobiology

Research Focus: Cellular & systems NS

Ophelia Deroy

Prof. Dr. Ophelia Deroy

MCN Board Member, GSN core faculty

Affiliation: LMU Faculty of Philosophy

Research Focus: Neurophilosophy

Martin Dichgans

Prof. Dr. Martin Dichgans

Regular member MCN, GSN Scientific Board member

Affiliation: LMU Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research (ISD)

Research Focus: Biomedical NS

Magdalena Götz

Prof. Dr. Magdalena Götz

Regular member MCN, Board member MCN, GSN Scientific Board member, GSN core faculty

Affiliation: LMU Dept. of Physiology, Helmholtz Center Munich

Research Focus: Molecular & developmental NS

Benedikt Grothe

Prof. Dr. Benedikt Grothe

MCN & GSN Speaker, Head of the GSN Examination Board, GSN core faculty

Affiliation: LMU Div. of Neurobiology

Research Focus: Cellular & systems NS

Mark Hübener

Prof. Dr. Mark Hübener

MCN board member, GSN Scientific Board member, GSN core faculty

Affiliation: MPI for Biological Intelligence

Research Focus: Cellular & systems NS

David Keays

Prof. Dr. David Keays

MCN regular member, GSN associate faculty, GSN Scientific Board member

Affiliation: LMU Faculty of Biology

Research Focus: Molecular & developmental NS

Conny Kopp-Scheinpflug

PD Dr. Conny Kopp-Scheinpflug

MCN regular member, GSN associate faculty, GSN Women's Representative (Frauenbeauftragte), GSN Scientific Board member

Affiliation: LMU Div. Neurobiology

Research Focus: Cellular & systems NS

Harald Luksch

Prof. Dr. Harald Luksch

MCN advisory Board member, GSN core faculty

Affiliation: TUM Dept. Zoology

Research Focus: Cellular & systems NS

Maria Martinez Reza

Maria Martinez Reza

Ph.D. student, GSN Student Representative

Ylenia Mastrodicasa

Ylenia Mastrodicasa

Ph.D. student, GSN Student Representative

Thomas Schenk

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schenk

MCN regular member, GSN associate faculty, GSN Scientific Board member

Affiliation: LMU Department of Psychology

Research Focus: Behavioural & Cognitive NS

Stephan Sellmaier

Prof. Dr. Stephan Sellmaier

Regular member MCN, GSN core faculty

Affiliation: LMU Research Center for Neurophilosophy and Ethics of Neurosciences

Research Focus: Neurophilosophy

Wolfgang Wurst

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wurst

Regular member MCN, GSN Scientific Board member, GSN core faculty

Affiliation: Helmholtz Zentrum München - Institute of Developmental Genetics

Research Focus: Molecular & developmental NS

Andreas Zwergal

Prof. Dr. Andreas Zwergal

GSN core faculty, Scientific Board member

Affiliation: DSGZ Munich

Research Focus: Biomedical NSci