Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences GSN-LMU

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Hannah Spitzer

Dr. Hannah Spitzer

GSN associate faculty


Research group leader


Klinikum der Universität München,
Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research


Further Information

computational biology; machine learning; multimodal data; spatial omics; histology

Brief research description:
Our research group uses computational analysis and machine learning algorithms to identify patterns and relationships from complex, multimodal, and multiscale datasets of the brain in health and disease. We collaborate with national and international partners to apply novel methods from the fields of computational biology and computer vision to obtain new insights from brain datasets, with a primary focus on neurovascular and neurodegenerative phenotypes. We focus on learning interpretable representations from complex high-dimensional datasets that allow us to readily explain the biological relevance of results and ultimately understand underlying disease mechanisms.

Supervision of current or graduated GSN PhD students:
Beatrice Guastella