As a sponsor, the GSN will select up to 5 BSc and MSc students from programs outside of Germany to participate in 2019. Application period: December 1, 2018 - January 15, 2019
The most recent Talking Science event features the Professor of Visual Neuroscience at the University College London and leading expert on cortical processing.
Molecular and genetic strategies to study motion vision in Drosophila - Department “Circuits-Computation-Models” of Prof. Dr. Alexander Borst at the MPI for Neurobiology
A program designed to promote the career development of early-career postdoctoral researchers and to support them in building international networks of collaboration
Doctoral student Clayton Gordy and faculty member Professor Hans Straka have investigated how the afferent nerves that sprout from the ectopic ear reach the brain
On July 7th, 2018 the first edition of the Munich Soapbox Science brought 12 scientists to the stage at Odeonsplatz. GSN-LMU proudly sponsored the event
in the context of the academic partnership to promote and support collaboration between scholars at both institutions across disciplines and levels
Research team led by GSN/MCN Speaker Benedikt Grothe has shown for the first time that, in humans, the neuronal circuits involved in sound localization are context sensitive
Graduiertenkolleg "Ethik in der Praxis“, Fakultät für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie und Religionswissenschaft der Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München